Wren AR DeskHoops Mobile Android Edition
Download the APK Download the Image Target I was out of town for the last couple days, and finally got back to tuning up the DeskHoops...
First AR demo with 2 Camera Rig, Working!
Got a working AR build of a simple basketball game. In terms of Usability, this thing is miles from where it needs to be, but it works...
2 Camera Rig for Oculus
Got back on the Oculus prototype train today, I got ambitious and actually rigged up a new 2 camera system, including removing the...
Text Recognition Experiment (aka blowing up the Declaration of Independence)
In this demo, I use Vuforia's text recognition to generate 3D text with proper locations and orientations to their real world...
LEAP Motion Furniture Test with working animated hand and my first scripted gesture!
Windows Exe build with Leap Motion Support (Note: Leap Motion Required to use this) Image Target Download Android Version is available...
Leap Motion Furniture Test
I hooked up Leap Motion to my furniture demo and made a few changes. I stole the hand from the SixSense razer demo, and used that instead...
Pirate Paint
Download: WrenAR Pirate Paint APK I decided to shift gears this morning and get one of my Glass prototypes ready for show. This game lets...
Rearrange the Furniture pt.3
Download: Rearrange the Furniture Image Target Download: Rearrange the Furniture APK You're right, no human being would stack furniture...
Rearrange the Furniture Part 2
Rearrange the Furniture, plans for tomorrow: Add Leap Motion Support - create a Windows Exe version. Adjust Physics for fixed angle...
Rearrange the Furniture
I made this prototype orginally almost 2 years ago. The goal was to create a room and be able to highlight, pickup, and move furniture in...