Lunar Tendril Experiment
In experimenting with line renderers and looking for a rope like solution for my lunar "loon" missions, I created these odd tendrils,...
Lunar Rover Update (added playable blimp)
Lunar Rover/Blimp Build I've updated the lunar rover prototype to include some additional missions (to test out objective system, and...
Lunar Rover Prototype - Side Project
On the side, I've been developing a lunar rover project, details of the project are under wraps, but that doesn't mean you can't play it!...
Tuscany Cartoon Prototype
I've been tinkering with a few items lately. Oculus with Leap Motion control in the Tuscany Demo, as well as cartoon filtering in the...
DK2 and Leap
I've been on hiatus from updating the site for the summer, but have much to publish. I have been very busy with DK2, as well as other...
WrenAR ConstructAR
Download the Vuforia version of WrenAR ContructAR here. Download the Image target for the Vuforia Version here (needed to use the vuforia...
Wren AR DeskHoops Mobile/Oculus/LEAP edition
Download the Windows EXE here Download the Android APK here This video is a brief overview of my AR Oculus rig and the WrenAR DeskHoops...
My Daughter tries on my AR Rig
She exclaimed "Daddy I can SEE you!"...Brings a tear to my eye.
Oculus Rift AR MOBILE Rig with LEAP support!
This Rig is Mobile! Oculus Rift with 2 HD webcams, LEAP Motion, all running off of a laptop and an external power supply. I can walk...
Demo of WrenAR Fingerpaint
Download WrenAR FingerPaint APK Here's the demo video I made for my Auggie submission. Auggie info here: